Written By Steven Hill Karma Hill Photography
So you dream of eloping in Hawaii but don’t know how to tell your family they're not invited? Rock, meet hard place. The good news is that you’re not alone!
Over the last decade, eloping has surged in popularity and may soon dethrone the quintessential white wedding. In a recent survey by Helzberg Diamonds, a staggering 91% of Millennials said they’d consider an elopement in lieu of a traditional ceremony. So as you go about the scary task of telling your family you are eloping, know that thousands of others are navigating their own labyrinths of delicate feelings and hurt egos alongside you. We interviewed eloping couples who broke the elopement news to their family. Below we share what we found out and our step-by-step guide on how to break the news to your family.
My mother told me that it technically was not "eloping" because we told her about it and since we were having a "ceremony" on the beach, it was an actual wedding that we were not inviting her to.
Times are changing rapidly - just a generation ago elopements were strictly a viva Las Vegas type of deal (think Elvis impersonator in a disco-themed church). It was something a couple did in spite of their families and often in the spur of the moment. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary even defines eloping as running away secretly with the intention of getting married usually without parental consent.
